Ο Σύλλογος

Ο Σύλλογος

Ο Σύλλογος 150 150 Σύλλογος Εκτιμητών Ελλάδος

Ο Σύλλογος



Ο Σύλλογος Εκτιμητών Ελλάδος (Σ.ΕΚ.Ε.) ιδρύθηκε από μια ομάδα εκτιμητών που συναντήθηκαν για πρώτη φορά στις 15 Νοεμβρίου 2007, με σκοπό να συζητήσουν την δυνατότητα ίδρυσης ενός συλλόγου εκτιμητών με μέλη από όλη την Ελλάδα και σκοπό την ανάδειξη της σημασίας, την προβολή και προώθηση του επαγγέλματος του εκτιμητή.


Με την υπ΄ αριθμ. 5336/2009 απόφαση του Μονομελούς Πρωτοδικείου Αθηνών ιδρύθηκε ο μη κερδοσκοπικός Σύλλογος Σ.ΕΚ.Ε. με βάση το καταστατικό του που συντάχθηκε με ημερομηνία 04-02-2009.


Αυτή η μικρή ομάδα του 2007 σήμερα έχει γίνει μια ζωντανή κοινότητα με πάνω από 1000 εγγεγραμμένους εκτιμητές από όλη την Ελλάδα, τα μέλη της οποίας, με το ενδιαφέρον που επιδεικνύουν για την προώθηση, αναβάθμιση και κατοχύρωση του εκτιμητικού επαγγέλματος μας πείθουν ότι η πρωτοβουλία του 2007 βρήκε ώριμες συνθήκες και κάλυψε πραγματικές και επείγουσες ανάγκες.


Ο Σ.ΕΚ.Ε. συμμετέχει από τον 2010 στην TEGoVA (The European Group of Valuers’ Associations)εκπροσωπώντας τα μέλη του στον βασικό Ευρωπαϊκό Οργανισμό εκτιμητών και είναι εντεταλμένος χορηγός στην Ελλάδα (ΤEGoVA Member Association, TMA) της ευρωπαϊκής επαγγελματικής αναγνώρισης REV της TEGoVA. Ήδη πάνω από 300 μέλη κατέχουν την επαγγελματική αναγνώριση REV (Recognised European Valuer), καθώς και την αντίστοιχη πιστοποίηση Expert Valuer In Real Estate Property από τον παγκοσμίου κύρους οργανισμό πιστοποίησης PEOPLECERT.


{tab=british flagProfile of A.VA.G.}

Brief History and Role

The formation of the Association of Greek Valuers started in the end of 2007 and was completed in the summer of 2009. The founding members (96 valuers) are mostly employees working for the major Greek Banks and free lancers, collaborating as well with major Greek Banks.

Currently the Association has more than 1.665 members, incorporating the vast majority of Greek valuers in its ranks.
The Association’s goal is to function as a collective body representing professional valuers and experts undertaking valuations for public and private sector entities, and to provide services aiming to upgrade the quality of valuations in Greece and the status of the valuer’s profession in the Greek economy and the society.

Principal Activities

The principal activities include the following:

  • upgrading the quality of valuations in Greece by organising special training programs;
  • promoting and advancing the profession of valuer by undertaking a range of activities, such as participation in conferences, scientific bodies, exhibitions, etc.;
  • transmitting the experience gained by valuers and exchanging views on valuation-related issues;
  • ongoing training for valuers;
  • determining and advancing professional standards and best practices;
  • translating EVS in Greek language and developing National Valuations Standards in line with EVS;
  • formulating and applying a code of conduct;
  • establishing a professional certification body for valuers that is recognised by the corresponding bodies in Europe and worldwide; AVAG is already an AMA granting REV status to its members that fulfill the relevant requirements of the scheme. Already 468 members have been nominated REV after successful participation in both written and oral examinations;
  • establishing national certification schemes in cooperation with professional certification body for real estate valuers (already 354 of its members are certified valuers) and plant & machinery valuers (already 63 of its members are certified valuers). The schemes are accredited by the Greek National Accreditation Body;
  • representing Greek valuer-members at TEGoVA;
  • defending valuers’ work-related rights;
  • collaborating with similar national or international bodies on issues of mutual interest.

Principal Areas of Policy

  • Upgrading the quality of valuations in Greece
  • Promoting and advancing the profession of valuer
  • Formulating and applying a code of conduct
  • Establishing a professional certification body
  • Representing Greek valuers-members at TEGoVA


The General Meeting is the highest management body of the Association and consists of those members of the Association who have fulfilled their financial obligations [eligible members].

The Association is managed by a seven-member Board of Directors elected for a 3-year term and consisting of one (1) Chairman, one (1) Vice-Chairman, one (1) General Secretary, one (1) Treasurer and three (3) Directors; they are elected by the General Meeting of Association’s members from among the regular members, along with three (3) substitutes and do not earn any fee for their services.


The Association’s members fall into the following categories:
1. Regular members: Those exercising the profession of valuer. Anyone who is engaged on a regular, professional basis in preparing valuations, has the necessary formal and actual qualifications as instituted by the Association, and accepts the Association’s operating principles and Code of Conduct, can become a member of the Association.
2. Junior members: Those that have the necessary formal qualifications but lack the required experience, and accept the Association’s operating principles and Code of Conduct. Junior members are entitled to vote at Association’s bodies, but are not eligible for office.
3. Honorary members: Persons who have provided excellent service to Association, to the Greek State and to society, and have contributed to the advancement of the Science of Valuation in Greece. Honorary members are proposed by the Association’s Board of Directors or at least one fifth (1/5) of regular members, and are confirmed by the General Meeting. Honorary members are proposed by the Association’s Board of Directors or at least one fifth (1/5) of regular members, and are confirmed by the General Meeting.
Honorary members are not entitled to vote or eligible for an elective office in Association. They attend the General Meetings and present their views and opinions without voting.


AVAG translated the European Valuation Standards 2012 and 2016 into Greek.

In order to contact A.VA.G., please send an e-mail to info@avag.gr.





Πρόεδρος: Αλέξανδρος Βασιλείου 2310406853 6932451711 BASILIOU.A@nbg.gr
Αντιπρόεδρος: Αναστάσιος Αμπατζής 2103266172 6948804973 aabatzis@alpha.gr
Γενική Γραμματέας: Καλλιόπη Δερμάτη 2118809344 6937458590 kdermati@gmail.com
Ταμίας: Κωνσταντίνος Πάλλης 2103266156 6932475462 cpallis@alphaastikaakinita.gr
Τακτικό Μέλος Δ.Σ.: Αντιγόνη Δούναβη 2310406836 6936996966 adounavi@gmail.com
Τακτικό Μέλος Δ.Σ.: Ευαγγελία Παπαορφανού 2103345891 6948796300 lpapaorfanou@gmail.com
Τακτικό Μέλος Δ.Σ.: Μαριάννα Σφούγγαρη 2310506203 6974454624 msfougari@eurobank.gr
Σύμβουλος Δ.Σ.:
Χριστίνα Φωτοπούλου





Ελένη Χανιώτου
Μαρία Λιάκου
Ιωάννης Κουτσογιαννόπουλος




Ιωάννης Γόρδιος
Ελένη Αδαμοπούλου
Ιωάννης Χαβάκης






Χριστίνα Φωτοπούλου
Χαράλαμπος Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Αντώνιος Παπαορφανός




Γραμματεία: Κούτσιαρη Νικολέττα 2103210340 
Κουτσαύτη Βασιλική
Λογιστήριο: Κωνσταντίνος Γανοχωρίτης 2103215302
Νομικός Σύμβουλος: Φώτιος Γιαννικόπουλος    2106749971 f.giannikopoulos@gmail.com 
Υπεύθυνος Ιστοσελίδας: Δημήτριος Ανδρικόπουλος 6973759929 dandrikopoulos@qualityroom.gr






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adobeΚώδικας Δεοντολογίας των Μελών του Σ.ΕΚ.Ε.



adobeΚαταστατικό Σ.ΕΚ.Ε



adobeΚανονισμός Εισδοχής μελών Σ.ΕΚ.Ε.



